Supporting an informed, evidence-based discussion of sunlight reflection methods (SRM).
Introducing SRM360
SRM360 is a non-profit knowledge hub that explores the science and evidence behind sunlight reflection methods, or solar radiation modification (SRM). We work with experts and advisors from around the world to provide clear and engaging information through articles, graphics, videos, and podcasts.
What Do the Announcements From the New US Administration Mean for SRM?
Experts react to the climate policy announcements from the new administration in the United States (US) and consider how they...
4 min read
Could SAI Replace the Lost Cooling Effect From Cleaning Up Air Pollution?
As well as driving climate change, burning fossil fuels creates toxic air pollution, which kills millions of people each year...
6 min read
What Does 2024’s Breach of 1.5°C Mean for SRM?
Experts react to 2024 being the first calendar year to breach 1.5°C of warming and consider how this could affect the discus...
4 min read
What Is Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI)?
SAI is the most studied of all sunlight reflection methods. What would it take to use SAI to cool the planet? And who could do it?
22 mins
SRM360 Explorer
What Can We Learn About SRM From Climate Modelling?
Daniele Visioni draws on his years of experience modelling the climate effects of sunlight reflection methods (SRM) and leading the Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP) to reflect on what climate modelling of SRM can and cannot tell us about SRM.
News Roundup: Hottest Year, SRM Under Trump, International SRM Discussions, and More
We’re joined by SRM scientists and governance experts: Blaž Gasparini, Claudia Wieners, and Shuchi Talati to discuss the latest SRM news.
Will Climate Change Become Unbearable When the World Reaches 1.5°C or 2°C?
In 2015, almost all countries agreed to try to limit warming to 1.5°C to 2°C above the pre-industrial average. However, the world is already 1.3°C warmer and current policies put it on track for more than 2°C of warming by the end of the century. What will warming beyond 1.5°C to 2°C mean for the Earth system, vulnerable communities, and ecosystems?
With Arctic Tipping Points So Close, We Cannot Ignore SRM
Viktor Jaakkola of Operaatio Arktis argues that the rapid climate changes in the Arctic and the likelihood of key tipping points being crossed mean that it is time to take sunlight reflection methods (SRM) seriously.
Marine cloud brightening
Marine cloud brightening (MCB) is an idea to enhance the reflectivity of low-lying clouds over the oceans. MCB may be able to produce a large regional cooling effect, but the uneven cooling may lead to large shifts in global rainfall patterns.
Unilateral Deployment: Could a Single Country Change the Global Climate?
Given how inexpensive and powerful some sunlight reflection methods, also known as solar radiation modification (SRM), appear to be, some worry that a single country, or even a rich individual, could change the global climate on their own. How large is the risk of a rogue or unilateral deployment of SRM?