Descripción general de los métodos de reflexión de la luz solar
Los métodos de reflexión de la luz solar (SRM, por sus siglas en inglés) son enfoques hipotéticos para reducir las temperaturas globales al aumentar la cantidad de luz solar reflejada en el espacio.
Space-based SRM
Reflective material between the earth and sun could scatter light, but delivery would be extremely costly.
Stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI)
Tiny particles released in the stratosphere could reflect a small fraction of sunlight, producing a global cooling.
Cirrus cloud
thinning (CCT)
Seeding might thin cirrus clouds, allowing more heat to escape to space.
Surface albedo modification
Brighter surfaces could reflect more sunlight, but global cooling potential is limited.
Marine cloud brightening (MCB)
Sea-salt particles could be sprayed from ships to enhance the reflectivity of low-lying clouds.
Space-based SRM
Reflective material between the earth and sun could scatter light, but delivery would be extremely costly.
Stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI)
Tiny particles released in the stratosphere could reflect a small fraction of sunlight, producing a global cooling.
Cirrus cloud
thinning (CCT)
Seeding might thin cirrus clouds, allowing more heat to escape to space.
Surface albedo modification
Brighter surfaces could reflect more sunlight, but global cooling potential is limited.
Marine cloud brightening (MCB)
Sea-salt particles could be sprayed from ships to enhance the reflectivity of low-lying clouds.
Marine cloud brightening (MCB)
Sea-salt particles could be sprayed from ships to enhance the reflectivity of low-lying clouds.
Space-based SRM
Reflective material between the earth and sun could scatter light, but delivery would be extremely costly.
Surface albedo modification
Brighter surfaces could reflect more sunlight, but global cooling potential is limited.
Cirrus cloud
thinning (CCT)
Seeding might thin cirrus clouds, allowing more heat to escape to space.
Stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI)
Tiny particles released in the stratosphere could reflect a small fraction of sunlight, producing a global cooling.
Marine cloud brightening (MCB)
Sea-salt particles could be sprayed from ships to enhance the reflectivity of low-lying clouds.
Space-based SRM
Reflective material between the earth and sun could scatter light, but delivery would be extremely costly.
Surface albedo modification
Brighter surfaces could reflect more sunlight, but global cooling potential is limited.
Cirrus cloud
thinning (CCT)
Seeding might thin cirrus clouds, allowing more heat to escape to space.
Stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI)
Tiny particles released in the stratosphere could reflect a small fraction of sunlight, producing a global cooling.
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