Disminución del grosor de las nubes cirrus
El adelgazamiento de los cirros (CCT) es una idea para adelgazar los cirros altos y tenues que atrapan mucho calor. Si bien este enfoque podría funcionar en teoría, existen importantes incertidumbres y no hay ideas concretas sobre cómo implementarlo.
Cirrus cloud thinning would involve seeding cirrus clouds to make then thinner and shorter lived …
Cirrus clouds are effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere.
… this would allow more heat to leave the atmosphere.
Cirrus clouds are effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere.
… this would allow more heat to leave the atmosphere.
Cirrus cloud thinning would involve seeding cirrus clouds to make then thinner and shorter lived …
Cirrus clouds are effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere.
Cirrus cloud thinning would involve seeding cirrus clouds to make then thinner and shorter lived …
… this would allow more heat to leave the atmosphere.
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