L’amincissement des cirrus
L’amincissement des cirrus (CCT) est une idée pour éclaircir les cirrus hauts et vaporeux qui retiennent beaucoup de chaleur. Bien que cette approche puisse fonctionner en théorie, elle comporte d’importantes incertitudes et aucune idée concrète quant à la manière de la déployer.
Cirrus cloud thinning would involve seeding cirrus clouds to make then thinner and shorter lived …
Cirrus clouds are effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere.
… this would allow more heat to leave the atmosphere.
Cirrus clouds are effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere.
… this would allow more heat to leave the atmosphere.
Cirrus cloud thinning would involve seeding cirrus clouds to make then thinner and shorter lived …
Cirrus clouds are effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere.
Cirrus cloud thinning would involve seeding cirrus clouds to make then thinner and shorter lived …
… this would allow more heat to leave the atmosphere.
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